Mestres Gandeiros
Mestres Gandeiros is an initiative aimed at the educational community. The purpose of this programme of the Proxecta Plan is to to transmit to the youth the knowledge of rural people and the good agricultural practices they are implementing, as biodiversity and landscape managers, in the fight against fires and in adapting to climate change.
In nine stages, you will complete a route whose guiding thread is the transhumance that takes the cows of the A Carqueixa cooperative to the peaks of Os Ancares in search of the freshest pasture every year.
The schools that apply to participate in this Proxecta Plan will have access to all of Mestres Gandeiros materials and resources.

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Livestock farmers as biodiversity and landscape managers
The role of rural population
Who better than local people to communicate the values of nature, the importance of human interaction with nature, good practices and responsible consumption to young people, and to raise awareness of all these issues among them?
The Proxecta Plan
Mestres Gandeiros is part of the Proxecta Plan, in the context of the collaboration between the Galician Department of Education, Universities and Vocational Training and the Institute of Territorial Studies of the Galician Department of the Environment, Territory and Housing to facilitate the integration of certain educational programmes in non-university education centres.

In the almost 45 minutes of this video, we will learn more about good environmental practices that have been passed down from generation to generation and are more important today than ever: historical forestry, traditional farming and heroic livestock farming.
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